Your First Class

How to Check Out Our Club

We’d love for you to come and check out our club! We are always looking for potential new students to be part of our Wing Chun family. The types of people we want to encourage to join have some of the following qualities:

  • A strong curiosity and passion for traditional martial arts.
  • Interested in how kung fu can develop the whole person, not just self-defense.
  • Respectful, kind and strong in spirit and heart.
  • Willing to make a commitment to themselves and their training.
  • Can get along well with other people and leave their ego at the door.
  • Willing and able to contribute to the development of our club in a positive way.

Make no mistake, Wing Chun is a devastatingly effective self-defense system that should only be used in defense of self and others. It is not a sport or a test of bravado. We are a club of really nice people who have serious fun in our training. We want to continue to encourage nice people to be part of our club.

If this sounds like you and you want to check out our club in Victoria’s Medicine Moves Studio to learn more about the amazing art of Wing Chun, you can do one of the following:

  • Fill out the contact form and we will reply to you as soon as we can.
  • Call Sifu Mark Watson at (250) 818-1075 for a chat or to arrange a free 1-hour private consultation.
  • Drop by our club during class times and feel free to participate or just observe. An instructor will make sure to spend at least some time with you if you take the time and courtesy to pay us a visit. If you do want to participate, wear some loose and comfortable clothing with some footwear that is not too slippery, nor too sticky.