Luk Dim Poon Kwan – Long Pole Form
The use of the Luk Dim Poon Kwan is learned in four phases:
1. Jin Tsui (Battle Punches)
2. Biu Kwan (Thrusting Pole)
3. Chi Kwan (Sticking Pole)
4. Luk Dim Poon Kwan- (6 1/2 point pole form)
A firm understanding of the three forms and the wooden dummy is essential prior to studying the pole. One needs a partner to learn the pole correctly. Play the pole form until it becomes second nature and overall proficiency is attained.
Always remember, the advanced techniques are the basic techniques mastered. To master the techniques takes patience and time, hard training and perseverance. The long pole trains the development of your punch to make it exceptionally strong and powerful. This weapon is very powerful and dangerous. It is unforgiving in that no one can withstand one hit from the Kwan. This training serves to enhance and refine one’s empty hand skill as well. You will find that it expands your understanding of the Wing Chun system and particularly the centerline theory.
“Kung Fu power comes up from the ground and is generated by the legs, directed through the hips, magnified by the torque and alternate arm pulling motions, enhanced with forward momentum from stepping, released out of the hand into your weapon and delivered through your opponent” – Late Grandmaster Moy Yat.